Jun 5Liked by Sally Ekus (she/her)

*buys plane ticket to new york*

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Ha, right?!? I always remind people that I’m not based in NYC and it’s more than possible to work in publishing outside of NYC. It’s also nice to visit!

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You spoke with all of those people, and took selfies with most of them? Your arm/smile muscles must be exhausted and achy.

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My cell phone arm routine has its own Peloton work out.

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Thank you for all this valuable intel and reminders!

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My pleasure!

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Jun 4Liked by Sally Ekus (she/her)

This is fantastic, Sally, thank you!

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You’re welcome!

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Jun 4Liked by Sally Ekus (she/her)

Wow what a list! Thanks Sally for the virtual intros.

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You’re welcome! I especially think you should start following Agate’s work.

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